Brekkie was fiber one raisin bran and coffee. Sweet, sweet heavenly coffee. I could never be a herbal tea kind of girl.I had more of a dunch that a lunch because it was at 4 pm but what can I say? I was too busy before, posting all of my worldly possessions on Craigslist. (Some people actually want them too!)
I made this bowl of beautifulness then. Shredded carrots, shredded zucchini, cilantro, basil, local organic tofu from the Sacramento Tofu Company, rice noodles and Ikeda's spicy peanut sauce. Not gonna lie- this smelled awesome!
I went for a walk and when I came back this little beauty was calling my name.
I really like all the honest tea/ honest ade products because they aren't too sweet (no HFCS) and they all taste great.
Eventually I decided more food would be a good idea so I had:
Normally I don't post everything I eat because I figure that if I ever get consistent readers they'll be bored with it but that really was it today. Must work on that- there's a lot of lovely produce in my fridge that I don't want to go to waste.
3.2 miles in 56 minutes- and it was hell getting out there. I was fine once I started but I DID NOT want to leave the house. It's always better once I'm out the front door but overcoming that inertia can be so hard. That's why I need to make doing that a habit because if I just teach myself that procrastinating on exercise is not acceptable that inertia will eventually go away. And it feels good- once the endorphins start pumping into my system.
On the last little bit towards home, a girl moved in front of me and it was obvious she exercises a lot. She was really strong and when she moved you could see the muscles in her back move. She wasn't skinny and I'm not sure I'd even classify her as thin. She was just really strong and she walked proudly, with very erect posture and I thought: I want to be her. Not actually her, that would be creepy. But I want to be that strong, that confident.
Tomorrow- the Beach! Expect lots of pics if I remember to bring my camera.
Tonight's walk brought to you by-
Affirmation- Savage Garden
Cottage Cheese is too square for my palette!