Ooooh! I made three delicious mini meals today.
- Cantaloupe spears with a pepper bacon slice on top. Unfortunately, I don't have a pic of this one because it was kind of ugly. My bacon was super crispy so instead of being a nice slice it kind of fractured apart and I had to just piece a slice together on top of the spear. It was so good! Peppery and a little spicy and sweet and salty all combined.
- At lunch/ dinner (dunch? I had it around 4 pm) I made teriyaki stir fry vegetables and salmon which was high in Omega 3's. It was a little salty and I overcooked the vegetables a little too much but I made it out of a packet of prepared vegetables that had carrots in it and I HATE hard carrots so it was worth a few mushy pea pods to have soft carrots.
- For my after exercise snack, I had cottage cheese and fresh, local cherries. And by fresh I mean the husband had picked them less than an hour ago and by local I mean out of his parents backyard. They have a cherry tree that grows 4 different kinds of cherries ON THE SAME TREE. Super cool, no? I'm used to vegetables and protein but the fruit and protein is a new experience.
I walked 3.2 miles in 60 minutes which was a little longer than before but I had the husband with me who is a slowpoke for the first mile (and we invariably argue about which route we're going to take :) I feel pretty tired now but I felt ok actually on the walk itself. I didn't want to lug myself outside because it was so hot inside the house but it was actually cool and breezy outside and pretty nice!
Todays walk brought to you by:
Getting You Home - Chris Young. I know I'll be tres embarrassed if the husband's family ever reads this but I would definitely like him to feel that way about me.
I'm proud of you. <3