
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You're beautiful, it's true

This is my baby sister:

I guess she's not such a baby in absolute terms anymore since she's going to be 19 in July and in September will be presenting my mom with her first grandchild but she'll always be my baby sister whether she wants to or not. When we were younger we fought like cats and dogs and she was always such a stubborn, obstinate little thing. It was her way or the highway, man! It wasn't until like a year ago, that all of a sudden I realized she wasn't a kid anymore and that she was actually growing into an adult I really liked. I'm obligated to love her because she's my sister but I like the person she is.

She's always been the more outspoken one between the two of us and when she was younger that was sometimes translated into plain rudeness. She's definitely more likely to be the one to tell you a big, fat EFF you if she doesn't like what you have to say but she's grown a little more controlled over the years. (Though lord knows, when that baby comes she's gonna have to learn to tone down that potty mouth or Ian's first words will start with an f and rhyme with truck. :) I love that she doesn't take anything from anybody because I am sometimes the peacemaker and I'm more likely to agree and repress what I really want to say for the sake of a peaceful existence. She's also fiercely loyal and whereas I sometimes run from family ties she tries hard to build them. She's more family with my British family members than I am and she even has a relationship with her half-sisters on her dad's side because she built the relationship. She, whether she knows it or not, built our relationship too. I spent quite a few years sticking my head in the sand when it came to my family. Not because I don't love my family, I do, but because I felt helpless to fix things. I still can't fix things but at least I know there's someone else who feels the same way about the situation. She's brave and she sticks up for herself and she makes decisions to better herself. She's not afraid to find out what she needs to do to take care of herself (and now Ian) and she only has one more class and a bit until she graduates from high school (Go Baby Go!). I love her and I'm so proud of her. I don't think she knows where she's going on this crazy ride yet, really who does, but I know no matter what, she's going to do great things, be a great mom and be my kid sister.

I decided to write this post because I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and in chapter 29 she talks about her sister Catherine coming to visit her and I'm SO more her sister than her. Catherine's older and has to plan everything out and spends the time trying to teach Elizabeth all about the history and architecture in Rome because she finds comfort in learning where Elizabeth finds happiness in experiencing Rome. It just made me think about how I'd love to visit Rome with my sis someday- maybe just the two of us as old ladies. I'll point out everything in the guidebook and she can remind me to put the damn book down and look around.

Love you, Becks.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww I love you niki. <333 I hope you know reading this really means alot to me and I'm glad I'm one of the few who gets to read it ;) you've always been an amazing big sisters even with all the eff yous that came out of my mouth over the years it really meant I love you. <3
